Repeat orders
We hope you found your orignal first pair of Custom Insoles benefical and that you are wanting to proceed and purchase another pair. This time round it'll be a lot easier and faster for you. Your unique foot shape and insole design are kept in our database, therefore a foam impression kit will not be sent out to you again. Making repeat pairs are easier to manufacture, so we are able to offer you a 10% discount on duplicate pairs.
Repeat pairs - Custom insoles
Made from high quality polyproylene to your foots exacting shape and size, these custom insoles will provide support and releif to your feet for years to come.
After capturing your foot shape in the foam impression kit, we 3d laser scan then CAD design your custom insoles before accuratley CNC milling them on our high speed machining centre.
We then add top quaility spenco material as a top cover (trusted by certified pedorthits and orthotic lab technicians for over 30 years). Spenco material remains the leading cover for shock absorption, impact reduction and overall foot comfort. Four way stretch nylon helps reduce friction and shear. Splipure Antimicrobial helps control foot odor.
The plastic part of the custom insoles is guaranteed for 5 years aginst breakage.